Will Foreign Dissent 7 Happen in 2021?
As the world continues to battle Covid, the feasibility of holding Foreign Dissent 7 in 2021 remains unclear. While bands are starting to do shows, tour, and people are getting vaccinated, there are a number of factors for FD to consider before proceeding.
First, it requires The FEST to go on as planned. As of late April 2021, they are planning to proceed, but obviously things could change.
Secondly, because all bands at FD have to travel from other countries, there could be any number of reasons why they are unable to even make it to the United States. There could be travel restrictions, concerns about travel safety, financial challenges, and more. UPDATE April 29: Italy’s Menagramo just let me know that they won’t be coming for FEST or FD7 due to challenges with travel and getting the vaccine. UPDATE May 25: Sweden’s Movin In Stereo just let me know they won’t be coming over, either, due to very similar challenges.
Finally, because FD is held indoors at a smaller venue, the situation needs to be safe before we proceed. Having reduced capacity or a seated show just doesn’t feel right for an event that is about bringing people together to share a special experience. It would need to be truly safe and in the best interest of the bands, attendees, and the venue. The last thing Foreign Dissent wants to be is a spreading event that sets back progress in combating Covid.
Much remains to be seen and we’ll keep everyone posted.